Monday, August 10, 2020

Neural Tube Defects: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

In the initial weeks of pregnancy, the foetus can suffer from neural tube defects. These cause abnormalities in the spinal cord and the brain growing inside the mother’s womb. After birth, neural tube defects can further cause serious abnormalities such as spina bifida, anencephaly, etc. It is because of these abnormalities that can develop in a child that pregnant women are advised to get regular ultrasounds, urinalysis, and triple marker test cost at a reputed pathology lab can be found out on the web. 



The main cause of neural tube defects is still not known. However, certain genes can be responsible for abnormal spinal and brain development. Environment factors play a role in this condition as well. The health of the mother, her living conditions, and eating habits can affect the growth of the foetus. Women who have had a child with neural tube defects are at a higher risk of giving birth to another child with the same health condition. Along with this, pregnant women with Type 1 Diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity can be at risk too. 


With the help of image testing such as ultrasounds and maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (MSAFP) screening, this condition can be detected. A morphology scan that is conducted eighteen weeks during the pregnancy can further help in proper diagnosis. As these abnormalities cannot be cured, the only treatment plan that can be provided after the child’s birth is to provide relief of the pain in the spinal cord.


One of the best ways to avoid abnormalities in the brain and spinal cord of the foetus is to increase the intake of folic acid during pregnancy. The optimal amount of folate in the mother’s system during the first three months of pregnancy can reduce the scope of neural tube defects developing in the foetus significantly. Eating a healthy diet rich in green and leafy vegetables along with cereals and legumes is highly recommended. 

Early detection of neural tube defects can help the mother prepare her mind for termination or plan life ahead to take care of the child efficiently.